Faire de l’anthropologie engagée pour une utopie émancipatrice : Quelques propos sur la diversité sexuelle et de genre à partir du Sud global
World-system, nation-state, decoloniality, sexuality, heterotopiaAbstract
National discourses, forms of ethno-national belonging,
and nationalist values are said to be based, since the 18th century, on
heteronormativity, gender binarism, sexual dimorphism, and, consequently,
on the regulation or invisibilization of sexual and gender diversity. In recent
years, I have focused on technologies of national identity management related
to governmentality and biopolitics, as well as on the uses made of academic
productions (especially anthropological ones) to shape the discursivity that
regulates sexual and gender diversity. Based on my experiences of multi-sited
ethnographic research, I propose a theoretical debate aimed at decentering
the gaze on expressions of sexual and gender diversity which could lead to
a subversion of the order of things and to the proposal of another possible
common world against the necropolitical expansionism of the new moral
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