Hématotropique : Ethnographie, violence et expérience


  • Simon Latendresse Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada




anthropology, ethnography, Pakistan, violence, experience, parresia, ethics, politics, biopolitics


Over the past three decades, the themes of violence and political urgency have begun to crystallize into an anthropological field of interest in its own right. This trend coincides with the reflexive turn, which sometimes makes more room for the “textures” of lived experience than for the systematization of knowledge. Starting from a reflection on my own experiences in the field in Pakistan and drawing on critical readings about fieldwork experiences of violence, I explore how this anthropological approach weaves anew the threads of epistemology and ethics-politics around the question of truth. I show how, through its more engaged character, this approach points towards the possibility of a transformative anthropology.


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How to Cite

Latendresse, S. (2020). Hématotropique : Ethnographie, violence et expérience. Anthropologica, 62(2), 420–429. https://doi.org/10.3138/anth-2019-0042