Les artefacts sonnent l’alarme dans un makerspace de Barcelone ! Explorations autour d’une fiction ethnographique illustrée
Barcelona, makers, ethnography, multimodality, co-creation, illustrationAbstract
This is the story about an anthropologist who heads off to spend time with makers in Barcelona and stays there for 18 months. Caught in a whirlwind of encounters and adventures, she explores spaces where the sum of collective learning is worth more than all the machines and artifacts combined. Participating allows her to percolate a shared reflexivity. Coding workshops during soldering sessions, making electronic circuits while carrying out a heritage development project, and data emerges, the terrain takes shape and meaning unfolds, without, however, exhausting the eternal question: how best to give an account of this research?
Illustration represents one of the possible solutions to bring to the foreground a polyphonic narrative and leave a sensitive trace of a journey that is as human as it is heuristic. Telling a story reveals the creative and subjective dimension of rendering data while attempting to give research participants a more rightful place. This illustrated ethnographic fiction is the result of a collaborative experiment between an anthropologist, an illustrator and a maker. You will be exposed to talking artifacts, to workers who emerge from the past to weave the fabric of a technical story that continues to write itself and spark larger- than-life social hope.
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- Academic society
- Canadian Anthropology Society
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- University of Victoria
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