Winking at Humanitarian Neutrality: The Liminal Politics of the State in Lebanon


  • Estella Carpi Research Associate, Migration Research Unit, Department of Geography, University College London, United Kingdom



refugees, Lebanon, humanitarianism, welfare, NGOs


Drawing on the July 2006 Israel–Lebanon War in Beirut’s southern suburbs and the Syrian refugee influx into the villages of Akkar in northern Lebanon, I suggest that the Lebanese state aspires to officially assert itself as a liminal space in a bid to survive crises and preserve its political capital, therefore aborting the attempts made by citizens and refugees to leave such liminality. I look at how professed state liminality meets with humanitarian neutrality, which is a principle of several international humanitarian agencies that assisted the internally displaced in 2006 and Syrian refugees from 2011 in Lebanon. Although in anthropology liminality has mostly been approached as anti-structural and an embodiment of the margins, by proceeding from people’s perception of state enmity and their frustrated aspirations to befriend the state, I suggest that state liminality rather captures the structural peculiarity of the Lebanese state’s agency and violent presence, made of repressive and neglectful politics.



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How to Cite

Carpi, E. (2019). Winking at Humanitarian Neutrality: The Liminal Politics of the State in Lebanon. Anthropologica, 61(1), 83–96.