Des psychologues en pleine conscience. Tension entre légitimation scientifique et adhésion morale dans la recherche sur le mindfulness
mindfulness, anthropology of science, psychology, neuroscience, mode of engagement, therapy, experience, moral, Quebec, United StatesAbstract
Over the past two decades, scientific research on mindfulness has taken onunprecedented proportions, exponentially multiplying its fields of application
and the number of publications. In a historical context in which the
development of mindfulness in North America consistently takes place on the
border between the spiritual and the secular, this article questions the modes
of engagement employed by psychology researchers regarding the subject of
mindfulness. In examining the social, moral and epistemological approaches
at work in this science of mindfulness, analysis shows that it is intersected by
tension between scientific justification and moral acceptance. This emerges
via discourse that promotes, on the one hand, the scientific record as a register
of justification and, on the other hand, the consideration of the existential,
experiential and moral nature of mindfulness practices.
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